Monday, November 28, 2011

Negative Energy Produces Negative Results

I wrote the below posting a while back.  I was reminded of the detriment of negative energy recently listening to local talk jock WILK’s Steve Corbett.  I began listening to his show again when there was an interesting news story happening.  Since WILK is the only local news/talk station in NEPA, my options for afternoon listening are limited to one.  Unfortunately, I fell back into the habit of regular listening.
Well, it didn’t take long for my friends to notice a definite change in my end of day mood.  I wake up at 4 a.m. and I am in the gym by 5.  After my workout I teach and then I am in my office until 7 p.m. most nights.  I just assumed that the long days were getting to me, but then I remembered what I had been doing differently — I was listening to the Steve Corbett talk show.
Since I am between my office and patients during office hours,  I usually hear a good portion of the show.  Four hours of listening to how awful the world is, how bad people are and how sorry our lot in life is can drain even the most positive people.  Then again, most positive people probably would not or do not give Steve Corbett a second thought.
As many times as I have told people or done it myself, it never ceases to amaze me the power of cutting negative influences from your life.  It really should be a no brainer. Negativity begets negativity thus producing overall negative results.  Listening to Steve Corbett, a person who is obviously so angry at his life and wants his listeners to be just as miserable as he,  will eventually have a negative effect.
I have advised people to get negative people out of their lives.  However, that is not always easily accomplished in personal relationships — but it is easy when it comes to negative people whom you invite into your lives via the airwaves  —- change the station or switch off the radio.
Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book; A life beyond wight loss.
On my web site Fat Then Fit Now and in my writings I frequently mention the Three D’sDesireDetermination and Discipline as the keys to remodeling one’s body and recapturing one’s health. I have also written about the Three E’sEatingExercise and Energy. The Energy component being mental energy. Together these two triads are the keys to success in becoming a fit and healthy individual.
The D’s and E’s must be given equal effort to achieve our goal. While none of the Three D’s or E’s are more essential than the other, a lack of energy can cause you to falter and interfere with the triangles of support.
Energy is about our mindset. Our mental energy allows every other aspect to fall into place. If  mental energy is off kilter, it can adversely impact the other legs of the triangle, causing a complete, catastrophic collapse.
There really are only two types of energy; positive and negative. Each usually gives rise to one of two outcomes — positive energy produces positive results and negative energy equals negative results.
The rigors of  daily life can get in our way and before we know it our mental energy is being thrown out of balance. We may be doing everything else correctly, but our results aren’t what we expect.
What is going on?
What are we doing wrong?
It is then we must recall that all three must be equal to achieve the desired outcomes.
Recently, my mind and body were both tired and drained — I just didn’t know it. Although my eating and exercise were in line, my energy was off and I was not being as productive as I should  have been.

Key West (Southernmost Point) at sunset, 2007

beach in Key West
I was reminded of the battle between positive versus negative energy last year on a long weekend to Key West.

Five days of no news, no talk radio (I am a huge talk radio junkie), no business worries and in general no negative influences really recharged my mental batteries. Just being in Florida compared to Northeast Pennsylvania there is a palpable difference in attitude. The sunshine, warm temperatures and proximity to the ocean allow a variety of outdoor activities. It was my experience and conclusion that people there, even in tough economic times, have a much more positive outlook on life. That positive vibe rubs off on everyone who is there.
When I returned to Pennsylvania this renewed energy translated into some of the best workouts I have had in months. I attacked the weights with vim and vigor, relishing the feel of cold iron in the palms of my hands.
The exercises were the same, but the poundage was a little heavier and the pace a little quicker — I was having fun.
This simple, yet noticeable, difference in my workouts has made me re-aware of the influence of energy. I have taken steps to ensure that my energy remains positive.
I make sure to start my day with a smile.
I have resolved to no longer to complain.
I shrug off the mundane, minor, miniscule annoyances that tend to degrade my disposition.
I have also stopped listening to so much talk radio, especially the afternoon drive talk  Steve Corbett show on local station WILK newsradio, and reading too in-depth into the news. I scan the paper and if I feel something is important, I will delve deeper into the subject.  I am no longer obsessed with each bit of minutia that is being reported. I discovered on my long weekend, that by not reading the paper, not watching the news, nor listening to talk radio — nothing changed. My being aware had absolutely zero influence.
I now strive to make each day full of positive energy.  When someone complains, I smile and make an excuse to remove myself from the conversation. If negative thoughts enter my head, I think about all I have that is good. If I start to feel sorry for myself, I remember my trips to places like the Philippines and force myself to realize how good my life is.
Energy must be positive. I am not saying we are never going to get down. I am not saying we should never get upset. There are real life issues that will influence our mood. However, we can change so much just by changing our attitude and outlook. It takes just as much effort to smile and say hello as it does to look away and grunt, but the result of a smile is much more positive, not only for one’s self, but on the person on the receiving end.
We must ask ourselves; Will worrying about something change it? Will losing sleep change it? Will not working out change it? Will overeating change it? In all likelihood all of the above will only be more deleterious to the situation and our health.
When possible, cut out negative influences, don’t become obsessed and worried about what you have little control over. Remember when it comes to controlling elements around us, we really can’t.
We can’t control the weather, world affairs or other people, however, we can control how we react. We can choose the manner in which we respond.
I tell all of  my clients that the only thing they can control is what they put into their bodies and the amount of exercise they put out. I also tell them the only person they can control is the one that stares back at them from the mirror.
We can be positive or we can be negative — the choice is ours —  the results are obvious.

Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, A Life Beyond Weight Loss.  He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcasting or television outlet. He has appeared on Magic 93′s Frankie In The Morning, WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast.
Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at and check out his web site

************The posting that I  write do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition.  I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions.*************

Friday, November 25, 2011

Post Holiday Motivation

This morning I slowly got out of bed, the Thanksgiving day, carbohydrate induced, bloating and fatigue were difficult to shake.  I thought of getting back under the covers, but fortunately, I preplanned for my post glutenous grogginess; I printed a copy of the below column, which I had written three Thanksgivings ago.  One perusal of the column and a picture of Joe.340 were all I needed to shake the haze and get up and out of bed.  After a cup of nice hot coffee, I headed out the door and partook in my morning workout.  If you are needing a little post overindulgence inspiration, I invite you to read the following.. Joe

Inspiration 12/14/2008

By: Joe Leonardi
As I am writing this the Thanksgiving holiday has just passed, it is time to get back on the workout wagon. A day of gorging and feasting is followed by a return to the track to run and the gym to lift weights.
The heating rays of our star Sol barely warm the northeast from November to March, but today’s cloud cover made for a particularly dank, dreary, desolate day. So gray were the skies, that my usually high motivation to exercise was replaced by the blahs.

I completed my laps around the stadium oval and drove off to the second half of my daily, personal biathlon. I parked my car, hefted my bulk from the driver’s seat, opened the trunk and grabbed my gear. I slowly passed through the gym entrance and closed the door to the dismal day behind me. I peered down the hallway and fought the urge to turn on my heel and exit. Eventually, I plodded my way down what felt like an unending corridor. A stop at my locker to put my clothes away lasted longer than usual. Finally, I progressed to the weight room, trying to come up with any excuse not to.

I scanned around hoping that someone was using the leg press machine – no one was. I stared at the one hundred pound plates I would need to lug up and onto the machine and thought ‘maybe I’ll just use the forty-fives’. My mind and body were both in agreement, I was not in the mood, but I forced myself onward.
As I neared the equipment the sun caught my eye. It was not the center of our solar system, it was the rays emanating from a young girl pausing between sets of her routine. A broad smile dominated her face as she talked with her barking, bellicose personal trainer. She then turned her attention back to the cold, unyielding iron. A smile no longer was apparent, it was replaced by a look of ferocious intensity. It is a look I have seen before; in the eyes of the elite athletes I have trained with and treated over the years – it was the look of a champion.

Then I noticed something that should have been apparent, but I was so caught up in first her joy for what she was doing, then the intensity which she carried it out, I did not see that she was missing one arm and one leg. The inability to grip the bar with two hands did not deter this young person’s enthusiasm for her training. I smiled outwardly, but inwardly I was ashamed at my mental attempts to avoid exercise.
Inspiration is found in many forms, but on this day the ultimate inspiration was brought forth by another’s joy and passion; another’s delectation for an activity that I have had an on and off relationship with since my parents purchased my first barbell set from Sears. More inspirational though, was the way she was dealing with what was apparent adversity – seemingly, she was ignoring it.
 Cover of

In the last Rocky movie, when junior was complaining about trying to live in his father’s large shadow, Stallone’s iconic character uttered the following statement. “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you!”

Sure it is a line from a movie, but the girl I watched today, she did not appear to cower. Now, I don’t know her story, I don’t know her name, I never saw her before today, I don’t know anything other than the following:

-There are many excuses not to do, but there are few legitimate reasons. Life is not fair, it is not easy and no matter what our problems are, whether they appear trivial or extreme, they need to be handled and life needs to be more than just lived.

-I was not the only one affected on this day. I chatted with another person who was equally inspired.

-Finally, the word “can’t” should be abolished from my vocabulary. When I don’t feel like going to the gym or going to the track or facing a difficult situation I will forever remember what I saw today and will know what can be accomplished
Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, A Life Beyond Weight Loss.  He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcasting or television outlet. He has appeared on Magic 93′s Frankie In The Morning, WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast.
Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at and check out his web site

************The posting that I  write do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition.  I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions.*************

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Eating; What to do? My UNconventional Answer!

The First Thanksgiving, painted by Jean Leon G...
The Thanksgiving holiday is about a week out.   The diet experts are starting to rear their lollipop like heads that sit atop their scrawny stick bodies preaching how we must diet through the holiday.  So these self-proclaimed experts will give you tips on how to stay on a diet.
A client me asked what I was going to eat on Thanksgiving.  I told her the same things she should ---- whatever I like.  I rarely use the word diet.  I eat what I eat. Generally, that means a  paleolithic type, low carbohydrate whole food eating regime.  Days that I don't follow my usual feeding habits I consider open eating days.
In my book, A life beyond weight loss, I have outlined what, internet, low carb guru, Jimmy Moore coined,  "planned splurges."  These are days when you predetermine not to be strict. The holidays can, and in my opinion should, be planned splurges.
Partaking, one day, every few weeks is not going to sabotage all your hard work.  We are the master's of our meals.  Being the masters, we must be disciplined and plan.  Not for the holiday, but the day after.

Open faced, delicious.1- Get rid of leftovers that are not part of your regular eating regiment. I know it is wasteful, but if you are a low carber like me, the potatoes, stuffing, pie and the like go in the trash, keep the turkey and vegetables.  If the bad stuff isn't there, neither is the temptation.  If your family members aren't watching what they eat and want the leftovers, have them take the food with them.  If they live with you? Tough, they don't get them either, toss them in the trash!!!

2- Plan the next day's meals and snacks ahead of time.  After a day of cooking, setting-up, feasting and cleaning, you many not be in the mood to prepare proper foods.  To alleviate this potential problem, have your foods  ready and in the fridge.

3- Weigh yourself the next day. Don't get too hung up on the number because it will be up.  Yet, get on the scale.  The increased reading will keep you from making a one day splurge into a four to five day food fest.
4- Exercise.  I make sure to work out Thanksgiving morning before everyone gets up and then I make sure to exercise first thing Friday morning.  It is important to maintain our exercise routines. No excuses! No carbohydrate loaded laziness! Get off your butt and move.

Holidays are very food centric events.  The so-called experts will have you believe that you should not partake.  Here is the dirty little secret, you won't be good.  Part of being human is enjoying food and company. In the U.S. this often goes hand in hand.  So, if you listen to the "experts", when you overindulge, instead of  simply eating bad one day, you are now over-loaded with both food and bad feelings and next comes the emotional eating that usually accompanies guilt.

Remember, when you prepare ahead of time for the splurge and the day after, you will enjoy a guilt free holiday

Keep this one thought in mind:

It is not what you eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas that destroys your weight loss goals and fitness—

It is what you eat between Christmas and Thanksgiving that does the damage.

Have a happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving.

Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, A Life Beyond Weight Loss.  He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcasting or television outlet. He has appeared on Magic 93′s Frankie In The Morning, WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast.
Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at and check out his web site

************The posting that I  write do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition.  I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions.*************

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Consistency: The Key To Success In The Pursuite Of A Better Life

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Monday, Wednesday and Friday my alarms awakens me a little after 4 a.m., Tuesday and Thursday just after 5 a.m., Saturdays about 6 a.m. and Sundays it doesn't sound at all, but I am usually awake by 7.  Each and every morning I bound out of bed, head to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee.  I check my gym bag to make sure that I have all necessary items to shower and dress after my workout. 

I call up Facebook on my smart-phone and make a simple posting: GOOD MORNING, COFFEE, JOG THEN GYM.  The simple posting is intended for all my Facebook friends, but also specifically for those who have purchased my book, are clients of Better Life Seminars and have contacted me relating that I have inspired or motivated them to lose weight.  I post on Facebook to demonstrate one of the keys to conquering obesity --- consistency.  One of my Facebook friends picked up on that by commenting; "You are so fantastically predictable, thank you for your daily consistency."

When it comes to almost anything in life, to make gains in a positive manner, consistency is key.  Inversely, if you are consistently inconsistent, your progress will be slowed or reversed.  To improve your fitness level, you must consistently follow your exercise program.  To lose body fat, you must consistently eat a reduced carbohydrate diet.  The key is to be consistent, because consistency is what will brings you your desired results.  Again, if you are consistently inconsistent, you will have results, however they may not be the results you desire.

If you exercise one day one week; two days the next, six the following, then don't work out for two weeks and pick up with another work get the picture.... you will not improve your fitness level or your physique.
If you eat properly for five days in a row, then on the sixth day have pancakes for breakfast, pasta and bread for lunch, breaded chicken and french fries for dinner interspersed with snacks of bagels, doughnuts and ice cream; okay I may no longer be morbidly obese and I don't eat like that any more, but my mouth is starting to water a little bit .... Okay the cravings passed, the point is, eating good a few days and eating garbage for another day or two  or three isn't going to improve your health and help you shed excess body fat.
Body Fat meter
To shed excess body fat and remodel your physique, you must do some type of exercise each and every day, you must eat properly each and every day and you must stay focused and keep your mental energy positive each and every day.  Consistent effort will produce consistent results.  Consistency is the key to conquering obesity and enjoying a more healthful, active and fit life.  As I have said often; I don't take care of myself to live longer ---- I take care of myself to live better, and via consistenteffort, I have achieved that goal.

Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, A Life Beyond Weight Loss.  He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcasting or television outlet. He has appeared on WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast.
Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at and check out his web site

************The posting that I  write do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition.  I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions.*************

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Obesity-Complexity Myth

Obesity map 2006The Obesity-Complexity Myth

There has been much talk and debate about national health care. I am not going to discuss politics or the pros and cons of universal health care, that is in the control of the politicians.

I am going to discuss one of the major risk factors to our health, one major risk that we, ourselves, can actually control – obesity.
I heard on the news that obesity (I believe they stated specifically childhood obesity) was a complex problem that did not have simple solutions.

Okay, let’s examine this ludicrous statement. Generally speaking, unless a person has an underlying medical or hormonal condition, there is no reason for one to be overweight or obese. I’m sorry to burst many people’s excuse-seeking bubbles but that is a fact.

We control our bodies.

We control what goes in.

We control the amount of exercise we put out.

The problem is not complex: it is too much sugar, too much high fructose corn syrup, too much processed fast foods, not enough lean proteins, not enough fresh raw vegetables and not enough getting from behind the computer and moving.

The solution itself is also simple: cut the sugar, cut out the high fructose corn syrup, get rid of the highly processed refined garbage Americans are shoveling down their gullets and replace them with lean proteins, raw fresh vegetables, healthy fats, low glycemic fruits and get up and get moving.

Today we have more obese people in the United States than those who are simply overweight.

This is a real problem.

This problem will lead to real diseases.

The morbidly obese are going to stress the U.S. health care system to a degree that not all the private or public health insurance money will be able to handle.

A local school district was given a grant from the State Education Department to fight childhood obesity. I don’t know why they needed $5,000. I will tell them how to do it for half that. Has anyone ever seen school menus today? While healthy options are available, there is still plenty of sugar laden and processed junk on the menu. Side note: if your school still has soda machines, get ’em out.

Physical education must be a five-day-a-week class and a regimented exercise program is a necessity. We need to teach children fitness as a lifestyle from their earliest and most formative years. I will even come in and design it.

My good friend, the Yonk, at his highly influential blog The Lu Lac Political Letter, mentioned how a company had an incentive program for its employees. The employees were paid for taking steps to be responsible for their own wellness. Sounds like a good plan, but what passes for dietary guidelines and exercise plans really do very little for the morbidly obese. Again, I can design the program and then I will make sure people stick to it. If you want to pay people to take care of themselves okay, but give them the guidance and the accountability to stick to it.

I remember when HMOs and PPOs first started in the mid 1980s. One of the great parts about my plan was that my gym membership was paid in full by the health insurance company. I used that membership. However, I knew many who joined but then were out of the gym within a month. The result was that the good intentions of helping their insured get fit, ended up just costing the insurance company more money than it saved and they changed the benefit to a discount and then eventually did away with it.

In the United States, we are focused on our healthcare crisis. We are trying to figure out how to pay for care. I am sure that there will be something in one form or another by the end of the year; however, we really need to stop focusing solely on the “care” part of health care and start putting an emphasis on “health.” Unless we act today, for some, tomorrow may be very bleak.
Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, A Life Beyond Weight Loss.  He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcasting or television outlet. He has appeared on WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast.
Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at and check out his web site

************The posting that I  write do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition.  I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions.*************

Friday, November 4, 2011

How I Took Control Of The Only Aspect Of Life That I Could!


How I Took Control Of The Only Aspect Of Life That I Could!


Do you walk into a restaurant and look for a table because you can’t fit in a booth?

Do you always take an elevator because even one flight of stairs leaves you exhausted; gasping for air?

Is the simple act of tying your shoes a contortionistic maneuver?

At one point in my life, the answer to the above questions would have been an embarrassing — yes!

I had finally tired of compromising my life so on a fateful day in March 2008, I hopped upon my dust-covered scale. The spring moaned and groaned as the needle revolved past the end of its limit. I held my breath and peered down over the beach ball ballooning from my abdomen — I couldn’t quite see the rather large and over-sized dial. With a gale forced inhalation, I sucked in my gut and strained to see the dreaded digits:

Three hundred and forty ponderous, pachydermian pounds.

I released my breath and heaved a heavy sigh. At least I could console myself with the ten pounds that clothing adds — never-mind, I was only wearing, well I wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing.
Stunned, I paced the floor. I knew I had gained weight, but there was no way I was over 300 pounds, let alone close to 350. Surely, the scale must be out of calibration. I place a 40 pound weight upon the platform expecting the number to reach 80. No such luck — the indicator stopped spot on at 40.
It was official — I was morbidly obese.  Yet, even with the numbers right in front of me; I still didn’t buy it.  In my deluded mind, I was simply a massive guy.  Sure I had some body fat, but I was still strong so and you won’t believe this; I thought I was powerfully built.

I went to my office and had my office manager take photographs from the front and the side. I was expecting to just see a what my mind’s eye saw staring back at me — what I saw was a pin-sized head atop a rotund, pear shaped body.  I closed the door to my office and I began to sob uncontrollably.  My eyes were fixated on the photos, and all I could ask myself was… How?  My office manager entered my office and told me I had to pull myself together, we had a waiting room full of patients.  I just shrugged her off.  Finally, after almost an hour I got it together.  I stood up from my desk and said to myself, ENOUGH!

I went home that night and I dug into my closet.  I found some clothing that had long been unworn and placed those  older clothes side by side with my then wardrobe. It was eye opening.  I wondered again how this could have happened. Then I remembered, plenty of burgers, fries, pizza and pasta, washed down with beer or whiskey, sometimes both, then  followed each night by two servings of ice cream — blasted Ben and Jerry for those single serving containers.

The next day I headed down to my old gym and reactivated my long dormant membership. The owner cheerfully greeted me. I told him I had to get back in shape and with an optimistic and confident tone he told me, “You can do it.”

He was correct. In one year I had recaptured my physique; but more importantly, I have recaptured my wellness. I am very aware of the potential damage I may have done to myself. However, I am blessed with being cared for by a cadre of skilled physicians and they have reassured me, at least for now, there are no apparent signs of damage.

Obesity is a direct cause of some serious diseases, serious, PREVENTABLE, diseases.
Obesity is not just a concern among adults. It is a growing, dare I use the word, epidemic concern with our youth. Type II diabetes, commonly referred to as adult onset diabetes, is showing up in children as young as ten or twelve. We have a grave public health concern; one that does not need to exist.  With the exception of underlying medical conditions, obesity is a direct result of some form of a loss of self control.  Obesity robs one of their ability to live life to the fullest.  My obesity effected every aspect of my life, from my business to personal interactions.  The layers of lard insulated me from the outside world and it kept me in a state of existing, instead of a state of living.

I was asked recently that if now that I lost the weight, I thought I was going to live longer. For a moment I pondered the question then answered, “I honestly don’t know, however I do know one thing, I am living better.”
Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, A Life Beyond Weight Loss.  He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcasting or television outlet. He has appeared on WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Tough Talk with Joe Peters, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast.

Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at and check out his web site

************The posting that I  write do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition.  I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions.*************